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All pet portraits are hand-painted digitally in Photoshop (no AI). If you would like to order a custom pet portrait, please email me at or DM me on Instagram @sara_hauser_art. You will need to send me at least one, preferably several, good quality (close-up, not blurry) photos of your pet.

My standard prices are $100 for an 8x10 print and $150 for an 11x14 print of one pet. You can add additional copies of the painting for $5 (8x10) and $10 (11x14) per print. If you want multiple pets in the same painting or a different size, please contact me so we can discuss options and pricing. Sales tax will be charged.


You can expect paintings to take at least two weeks, but it may take longer depending on my schedule and how many orders I have. If you need a portrait done by a certain date, please let me know when you first contact me and I will let you know whether or not I can manage it.

Portraits can be picked up and paid for at Brick and Velvet in Shreve, Ohio, or you can pay via PayPal and I can ship it to you (shipping will be an additional charge). After payment is received, I will also email or DM you a JPEG of the portrait.


Please note that I retain the copyright to my art.

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